πŸš€ How to Create a Converting Landing Page Copy with ChatGPT

Step-by-Step Guide

Welcome AI-Powered Marketing Enthusiasts! πŸ‘‹ 

Good morning. In today's newsletter, we delve into how ChatGPT can improve landing page creation, showing you simple ways to use AI to make your copy better.

Reading Time: Approximately 8 minutes


Effectiveness of the Landing Page

Effective landing page copy is essential, as it plays a pivotal role in engaging visitors and driving conversions. The words used on a landing page hold the power to persuade and motivate the audience to take action, be it signing up for a newsletter, making a purchase, or downloading a resource. This copy must be clear, concise, and compelling, directly addressing the needs and interests of the target audience. It's also crucial for establishing trust and credibility and for guiding visitors towards the desired action without confusion or distraction. In the age of AI, ChatGPT can be an invaluable tool in crafting such effective landing page copy. Its advanced language capabilities enable it to generate persuasive and targeted text that resonates with the specific audience you're trying to reach. ChatGPT can help in creating headlines that grab attention, body text that clearly explains the value proposition, and calls-to-action that encourage engagement. But to do those, we have to give clear input to AI. Let’s dive in and discover the methods.



In this chapter, we will explain the steps for creating an effective landing page with ChatGPT.

1.Defining Tone Of Voice

We are starting with tone of voice because using a tone and voice that resonate with your audience is crucial because it helps build a strong connection and trust. When your message sounds familiar and appealing, people are more engaged and likely to understand what you're saying. This not only makes your brand stand out but also increases the chances of your audience taking action, like buying a product or signing up for a service. In short, the right tone and voice make your message more effective and your brand more memorable. So, this prompt will help you:


What tone of voice should I use to appeal to my target audience, who are [age] [gender] facing [problem they want solved]?


Now that you have defined your tone of voice, or you already know that, what you do is use your tone of voice in the upcoming prompts below, and by doing so, you will be able to communicate better with your audience.

2.Headlines & Subheadlines

When it comes to creating effective headlines or subheadlines for the landing page, both should be attention-grabbing and relevant to the product or service that the business sells. So, the prompt has to be like that:


Create a headline and subheadline for [product/service type] in a [insert tone of voice] tone. Make an attention-grabbing headline and engaging subheadline for the business name with '[insert name]', that are memorable and showcase our unique value.


Headline and

3.The Problem-Agitate-Solution (PAS) Framework for Copy

The Problem-Agitate-Solution (PAS) framework is a concise and impactful approach for landing pages. It starts by identifying a specific problem faced by the target audience. Next, it agitates this problem, emphasizing its negative impact to stir emotions and highlight the need for a solution. Finally, it presents the product or service as an effective solution, showcasing how it resolves the identified issue. This framework connects with the audience by acknowledging their challenges and offering a clear resolution, making it a powerful tool for engaging and persuading potential customers. So, we would like to implement this model on our landing page. Here is the way that we can implement this model with prompting:


I have a [insert business type] that solves [problem] problem. Please write a landing page copy using the Problem-Agitate-Solution method with a [insert desired tone of voice, e.g., friendly, professional, humorous] tone. Begin by addressing a common problem our customers face, emphasize its impact to highlight its significance, and then demonstrate how our [product/service] provides an effective solution.


Example Prompt

Problem Outcome

Agitate Outcome

Solution Outcome

4.Call to Action

A Call to Action (CTA) is essential on a landing page as it guides visitors towards a specific action, like purchasing or signing up. It's a key tool for conversion, providing clear direction, and motivating visitors to engage with the site. CTAs also create a sense of urgency, encouraging immediate responses, and they allow for the measurement of the page's effectiveness. In essence, a strong CTA aligns with the landing page's goals and is crucial for achieving desired outcomes. Here is the prompt to create our CTA:


Create concise and catchy calls to action for my [product], which [describes function] with a [tone of voice] tone. Make them straightforward yet compelling to prompt immediate response.


5.Gathering all of the steps

Now that we have all the parts created and ready to use, you can simply put them in order and implement them on your landing page. Make sure that you can always tailor the prompts we provided before. These are the prompts that can make your efforts better, but more specialized instructions will lead to a more effective outcome.



In conclusion, effective landing page copy is crucial for engaging visitors and driving conversions. It needs to be clear, concise, and compelling, resonating with the target audience's needs and interests. Establishing trust and guiding visitors towards the desired action is key. Utilizing ChatGPT's advanced language capabilities can significantly enhance this process. It helps create attention-grabbing headlines, clear value propositions, and persuasive calls-to-action. By leveraging ChatGPT, you can craft landing page copy that not only captivates your audience but also effectively converts them into leads or customers.

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