✍️ How to Create GPTs That Write with Your Brand Voice

Crafting AI Tools for Unique Brand Narratives

Welcome AI-Powered Marketing Enthusiasts! 👋 

Good morning. In today's newsletter, we're exploring how to implement your brand voice while using ChatGPT. We'll discover how to use GPTs and how to train them.

 Reading Time: Approximately 10 minutes


Importance of Brand Voice

Brand voice refers to the unique personality and tone of communication that a brand uses to engage with its audience. It encompasses the language, style, and values that a brand conveys through its messaging across various platforms. Brand voice is important because it helps to establish a consistent and recognizable identity for a brand, allowing it to differentiate itself from competitors and build a strong connection with its target audience. A well-defined brand voice can also help to create trust, loyalty, and emotional resonance with customers, ultimately leading to increased brand awareness and customer engagement. So, having a consistent brand voice is essential, particularly in this AI-driven era where content creation tools are widely utilized. It's important that the content produced is in perfect harmony with the brand's unique voice, preserving its distinct identity and coherence. To achieve this, we can integrate or train the brand's voice into models like ChatGPT, ensuring that the AI-generated content reflects the brand's character and style. As you may have heard, ChatGPT introduced GPTs to customize models for specific purposes. By other mean, fine-tune ChatGPT for any objective. Let’s discover how we can apply brand voice to our AI outputs.


Fine-tuning an AI model involves adapting a pre-trained model (one that's already learned from a large, general dataset) to a specific task using a smaller, specialized dataset. This method allows the model to apply its broad pre-learned knowledge to the nuances of the new task, adjusting its parameters slightly to improve performance. In this context, we will customize ChatGPT by giving instructions on how to write in the brand's voice.


Step-by-Step: Creating Your GPTs for Your Brand Voice

1. Define Your Brand Voice

In the first step, we need to define the elements that constitute the brand's voice, as these will guide the writing instructions. It's important to have these elements ready before proceeding. Here are the elements you should be defining:

Brand Voice: Brand voice is how a brand uses words to show its personality. It's not only what is said, but also how it's said. This means using certain words, tones, and styles. It should be the same everywhere, like on websites and ads, to help make the brand unique and easy for people to recognize and relate to.

For example, an outdoor gear brand might use words like "explore" and "journey" in a lively tone across their website and ads, making it seem adventurous and exciting to customers.

Brand Tone: Brand tone is how your writing feels to the reader. For example, if your writing often includes inspirational quotes and uplifting messages, it might convey an optimistic and encouraging tone. This can make the reader feel motivated and positive.

For instance, if a wellness brand frequently uses inspiring quotes and positive messages in its writing, it creates an optimistic and encouraging tone. This can make readers feel uplifted and motivated.

Brand Style: Brand Style is about how you sound and the words you choose. For example, you might write in a simple way, using only a few words to say what you mean.

For example, a tech company might use straightforward and clear language in its communications. Instead of technical jargon, they might choose simple words to explain their products, making complex tech ideas easy to understand for everyone.

In Addition

You can add writing structure. It is optional.

Writing structure encompasses organization, including word order and paragraph flow, beyond just the introduction, body, and conclusion. As an example, imagine a cooking blog. If you use a step-by-step structure, readers expect clear instructions from ingredients to serving.

Brand Voice Example


If you do not know your brand voice you can just just provide a writing of your brand and ask to identify or analyze it in terms of brand voice. Here is the prompt you can use:

[Paste your writing]

Analyze the writing voice, tone, and style of the article above. Identify me brand voice, tone, and style of the writing.

2. Prepare Your Prompt

In the previous section, we outlined our requirements and determined the instructions to give the AI for writing in the brand's voice. We can create our first prompt to start the process of custom GPTs. Here is the prompt that should start creation:

Create a content writer chatbot for blog posts aligned with this brand voice:

Brand Voice: [Brand Voice]

Brand Tone: [Brand Tone]

Brand Style: [Brand Style]

3. Create Your Chatbot

Before continuing, we assume that you are already logged in and have a paid plan on ChatGPT, such as Plus, Team, or Enterprise subscription.

Now, what we have to do is go to ChatGPT’s interface, and after that, you can click on 'Explore' in the sidebar. After the page has loaded, select 'Create a GPT'. You will see a message box like the one below:

ChatGPT Create GPTs

Paste your prompt to GPT Builder message box then it will start to GPT creation process.

Initial Example Prompt

Answer the upcoming questions, and when it’s done, you can pass the configuration page to look for any improvements.

Configuration Page

On this page, you can go over each part and change anything that doesn't match the directions you provided. One thing you can do other than fix anything is upload a file to the “knowledge” part that provides examples of existing content that aligns well with the brand identity for reference.

After doing that you are ready to use your custom GPTs to create your content. You can just save and you can use your chatbot.

Here is an example output of customized chatbot:

Prompt: Suggest a blog post about reducing plastic use

Example Output



In summary, having a unique brand voice is crucial, especially when using AI tools like ChatGPT for content creation. A consistent and distinct brand voice helps a brand stand out, builds trust, and connects emotionally with customers. By integrating this unique voice into AI models, the content produced stays true to the brand's identity and values. This approach is essential for maintaining a strong, coherent presence across various platforms and enhancing customer engagement in the digital era. It will also increase productivity while keeping the brand voice consistent in the contents.

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