πŸš€ How to Create a Growth Strategy with ChatGPT

Unlocking Your Business Potential with AI

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Good morning. In today's newsletter, we delve into a creating growth strategy by utilizing ChatGPT.


Growth Strategy with ChatGPT

In the continually changing digital environment, enterprises are always in search of innovative mechanisms to propel growth and augment operational efficiency. ChatGPT, endowed with sophisticated natural language processing capabilities, stands out as a pivotal tool for organizations striving to overhaul their growth strategies. This document provides an in-depth exploration of ChatGPT's strategic incorporation, highlighting how its AI-driven insights and automation can revolutionize customer interaction, content generation, and decision-making frameworks. By capitalizing on ChatGPT's adaptability, enterprises can unveil new growth pathways, respond adeptly to fluctuating market conditions, and secure a competitive advantage within their industry sectors.


Before we dive into the guide, we would like to mention the AARRR metrics framework (also called Pirate Metrics) since we will be implementing it in our prompting to get an effective output for our growth strategy. As you may know, the AARRR metrics framework, known as Pirate Metrics, serves as a comprehensive model for evaluating the performance of a business or product. It encompasses five principal metrics: Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Revenue, and Referral. The Acquisition metric quantifies the influx of new customers or users. Activation assesses the extent of engagement and utilization of the product. Retention monitors the consistency of product use over time. Revenue gauges financial success and profitability. Lastly, Referral quantifies the number of customers advocating for the product to others. This framework offers an in-depth perspective on the customer journey, facilitating the identification of areas requiring enhancement and potential growth avenues.

The AARRR Framework



1.Prepare Your Information

In this first step, we will create the information that we will use in the upcoming prompt templates. Here are the information that we will need in the next steps:


Target Audience: [Target Audience Description]

Geography: [Geography]

Product/Service: [Product/Service]


2.For General Growth Strategy

To succeed in growth hacking, it's essential to grasp the entire buyer journey and employ growth hacks at every stage, from beginning to end. Staying ahead of the statistics is crucial, especially if you're attracting new users who then churn at a high rate, exiting faster than they're acquired, which results in both time and money being wasted. So, as we. mentioned in the introduction part, the AARRR framework is an effective method for improvement. It focuses on Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Revenue, and Referrals, making it your key ally in growth hacking. Here is the prompt template that we can use to incorporate AARRR framework:

Develop a concise growth strategy with the AARRR framework tailored for [Target Audience] using [Product Definition] in [Geography]. Follow these steps to develop an AARRR framework-based growth strategy: 

Acquisition: Identify how the target audience discovers our product. 

Activation: Outline the first successful interaction the target audience has with our product. 

Retention: Describe how to keep the target audience coming back. 

Revenue: Explain how our product will generate income from our target audience.

Referral: Determine how we encourage our target audience to recommend your product to others.

You will find an example usage of this prompt below:

Example Prompt

Example Prompt Output

Example Prompt Output Continuation

This prompt is quite long since we wanted strategize and improve every steps of the growth hacking process.

3.Specifically Improve the Steps

We will carefully go through each step in order to improve it in detail. We will provide a target metric and prompts for every stage to enhance our strategy. We can use the strategy to improve any step. So, here is the prompt template for setting the strategy according to the goal.

Enhance and refine this [AARRR funnel Step] step of Growth Strategy: "[Specify Strategy of Current Step]" to effectively target a [Specify Metric] goal of [Specify Number].

You can insert the strategy that was created in the previous part.

or you can use the following similar option that incorporates your current performance:

Identify and implement improvements in the [AARRR funnel Step] step of our growth strategy, specifically focusing on the [Specify Strategy of Current Step]. The objective is to achieve a [Specify Metric] goal of [Specify Number], starting from our current baseline of [Specify Current Performance].

As an example:

In this part, we inserted the steps and strategy of this step in the AARRR framework.

Prompt Example

Prompt Output Example


If you do not know what your goal is, you can easily create a target metric number by searching the web or asking ChatGPT for the average number. To find your metric for any step of the AARRR funnel, use the prompt below.

Here is the prompt for finding industry metrics with ChatGPT:

Identify the key performance indicator (KPI) critical during the [AARRR Funnel Step] phase of the AARRR (Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral, Revenue) funnel specifically for the [Industry] industry. Provide me only one metric related to [AARRR Funnel Step] phase.

In order to set goals, we have to know industry standards, so here is the prompt to search industry availability:

Here is the prompt for finding average industry metrics with ChatGPT:

What is the current average [Metric] in the [Industry] industry, specifically for [Specify Industry or Subcategory]?



In conclusion, this document has meticulously analyzed the transformative capabilities of ChatGPT within the corporate landscape, highlighting its pivotal role in reshaping growth strategies through the application of AI-driven insights and automation. As businesses maneuver through the intricacies of the digital arena, ChatGPT stands as a critical tool, empowering them to pursue innovation on a larger scale, augment operational efficiencies, and establish more profound connections with their clientele. The utilization of ChatGPT's sophisticated natural language processing abilities enables organizations to respond more agilely to market dynamics and secure a notable competitive advantage. The strategic adoption of ChatGPT signifies not merely incremental advancements but a redefined framework for achieving success in the digital epoch, promoting unmatched growth and innovation.


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