🚀 How to Create a Keyword Strategy with ChatGPT

A Step-by-Step Guide to Keyword Strategy

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Good morning. In today's newsletter, we explore how to create a keyword strategy with ChatGPT, offering insights and techniques to enhance your SEO efforts and make effective keyword research.

Reading Time: Approximately 10 minutes


Copywriting with ChatGPT

Digging into keyword strategy is like unlocking a treasure chest for your SEO adventures. It's all about getting into your customers' heads and figuring out the exact words and phrases they punch into Google when they're on the hunt for what you've got to offer. By cracking this code, you can tailor your website's content to climb up those search engine rankings, making your site a magnet for clicks and potential buyers. It's not just about guessing the right words; it's a strategic game of understanding how crowded the field is for each term and spotting the golden opportunities to stand out.

Now, let's talk about how ChatGPT steps into this scene. Imagine having a savvy guide who knows the lay of the land of language and is capable of sifting through mountains of data to highlight trends and patterns in what people are searching for. That's ChatGPT for you. It's like having an insight machine that helps you get to the heart of what your audience really wants, suggesting keywords that resonate with their queries and even sparking ideas for fresh content. By weaving in ChatGPT's suggestions, you're not just guessing what works; you're making informed decisions to spruce up your SEO game. It's about leveraging smart tech to align your content with your audience's desires and search habits, setting you up to capture their attention in the vast ocean of the internet. So, let’s dive into a step-by-step guide to keyword research and keyword strategy.


Step-by-Step Keyword Research

In this part, we will go through the steps, but we would like to explain that these steps were created with the requirements of keyword research. Basically, keyword research requires finding keyword strategy, search intent, related keywords, long-tail keywords, short-tail keywords, etc. We will utilize AI to meet those requirements.


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1.Defining Your Seed Keywords

The first step is to define your seed keywords. As you may know, seed keywords serve as the initial words or phrases in the keyword research process, enabling the discovery of additional keywords. Consider them the foundational elements of any keyword research strategy. This can be just one or several keywords. So, let’s list them as an example:

  1. “Coffee”

  1. “Coffee Bean”

2.Find Long-Tail Keywords

In this step, we will look for long-tail keywords that have high search and low competition while finding them with prompting in order to perform better. So, here is the prompt:

“Act as a keyword researcher specialist and browse the web to list the top 5 long-tail keywords related to '[keywords]' that exhibit high search volume and low competition. Do not recommend SEO tools.”

Long-Tail Prompt Output Example

3.Find Short-Tail Keywords

In this step, we will look for short-tail keywords that have high search and low competition, the same as in the previous step. So, here is the prompt:

“Act as a keyword researcher specialist and browse the web to list the top 5 short-tail keywords related to '[keywords]' that exhibit high search volume and low competition. Do not recommend SEO tools.”

4.Analyze Search Intent

As you may know, search intent refers to the underlying reason that prompts a user to initiate an online search. This may include the desire to acquire information, complete a purchase, navigate to a specific website, or execute a transaction. Here is the prompt to find the search intent:

“Browse the web and list me the top 5 search intents related to the "[keywords]" keyword to enhance SEO.”

Search Intent Prompt Output Example

5.Find Related Keywords According to Forums and Blogs

In this part, we would like to focus on blogs and forums specifically since forums and blogs are goldmines for SEO because they provide fresh, keyword-rich content, foster user engagement, and generate natural backlinks. These platforms cover niche topics and long-tail keywords, enhancing a site's authority and visibility across search engines. Additionally, the active community and social sharing aspects further boost SEO by signaling content relevance and quality to search engines. This dynamic combination makes forums and blogs powerful tools for driving targeted traffic and improving search rankings. To utilize those, we can use the prompt below:

“List the top 5 related keywords for "[keywords]" by browsing the most popular forums and blogs.”

Related Keywords Prompt Output

6.Create a Keyword Strategy

Selecting effective keywords is crucial for successful search engine marketing. Your strategy should focus on choosing keywords that drive relevant traffic to your business, impacting how well your ads perform on search engines. Additionally, the aim is to focus on high-demand and low-aiming areas that have low competition related to your keywords to evaluate gaps. This was the reason we added high volume and low competition to our prompts. So, we have collected important information to create our keyword strategy. It is time to use keywords. We need to determine the use of words in order of importance and use them in order of importance. To do that, we can do it ourselves, or we can also ask ChatGPT. Here is your prompt to let AI organize for you:

“Act as a keyword research expert and create a content planning table for the “[Seed Keywords]” keyword strategy for contents with SEO and utilize the keywords that are found with research below:


Search Intent Keywords: [Search Intent Keywords]

Related Keywords According to Forums and Blogs: [Related Keywords According to Forums and Blogs]

Short-Tail Keywords: [Short-Tail Keywords]

Long-Tail Keywords: [Long-Tail Keywords]

Planning Table



In summary, the process of keyword research and keyword strategy are essential elements of SEO, facilitating a deeper understanding of customer search behaviors and enabling the customization of a website's content to align with these insights. The application of ChatGPT's advanced language processing and analytical capabilities offers a strategic advantage in identifying significant trends and patterns within search queries. This approach not only reveals keywords that resonate with the target audience but also inspires the generation of innovative content. By harnessing the power of this sophisticated technology, marketers and content creators can make strategic decisions to refine their SEO strategies and effectively engage potential customers within the competitive digital landscape.

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