How to Create a Pricing Strategy with ChatGPT

Harness AI to Find the Optimal Price

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Good morning. In today's newsletter, we aim to explore how ChatGPT can revolutionize pricing strategy development by offering rapid data analysis and creative insights.

Reading Time: Approximately 8 Minutes


Creating Pricing a Strategy with ChatGPT

Pricing has to be a decision-making process where value is placed in line with a service or a product. In business, many strategies are employed while setting prices, but all have to come under some form of pricing. The price that's set during the pricing process is what the customer will pay for that product or service. Every product and every brand have their own strategy. In order to get the maximum outcome, this strategy has to be carefully prepared according to all the factors. In the world of AI, evaluating all the factors can be faster and more effective. Since ChatGPT can interpret user data or browse the web for relevant information, it offers new avenues for enhancing pricing strategies. Let’s discover how AI can be harnessed to create an effective pricing strategy.



1.Determining the Factors

Pricing a product involves a careful balance of multiple factors, aiming to ensure the price point is appealing to consumers. There are many factors to consider, but we prioritize the most important ones to utilize in strategy.

Here are some of the crucial factors to consider in terms of marketing when pricing a product:



Cost of the Product 

Positioning or Customer Perception

Market Demand


Since every business has different dynamics, you may want to add an important factor in your specific industry. You can simply add it by writing in the prompt template.

2.Answer the Factors

In this step, we will be addressing factors related to our product. Here is the template to fill out the blanks:

Product: [Product]

Competitor Prices: [Competitor Prices]

Cost of Product: [Cost]

Positioning or Customer Perception : [Positioning]

Market Demand: [Market Demand]

Here is an example of filling it out:

Product: Smart Fitness Watch

Competitor Prices: Competitors' smart fitness watches range from $150 to $300, with the average quality model priced around $200.

Cost of the Product: The production cost for our Smart Fitness Watch is $100 per unit.

Positioning or Customer Perception: Our Smart Fitness Watch is perceived as a high-end product with unique features such as advanced health tracking, personalized fitness coaching, and exceptional battery life, distinguishing it from the competition.

Market Demand: The market for fitness watches has been growing steadily. There is a significant demand among health-conscious consumers and tech enthusiasts looking for devices that offer both functionality and fashion.


When completing the information, it can be good to review some prompt templates in order to improve the quality of the responses. Here are some prompt templates you may want to use to create an input.

Useful Prompts for Competitor or Market:
What are the current pricing trends in the [Market] market today? Give me numerical data about [Product] prices to be informed.


What is the average price in the [Market] market in the [Target Location]? Give me numerical data about [Product] prices to be informed.


What brands have been successful in creating pricing strategies for [Product] in [Target location]? List me three brands and their prices and strategies.

In three of the cases, please provide specific industry or market details because we want to compare our product with products in the same segment. Provide the segment of the product. For example, luxury sneakers, instead of sneakers, are more detailed and segmented, and in the target location case, you can go with the country, city, or state.

Here is an example:

Prompt Example

Useful Prompts for Market Demand:
Analyze the current market demand for [Industry] by examining pricing, market trends, and supply chain factors to inform our pricing strategy in the [Target Location]. Please answer the question, Does supply meet demand? Is there more supply or more demand? Give me feedback with one short inference, but it has to be a maximum of 400 characters with an answer.

3.Gather Data and Prompt

Now you have all the input ready, and you can simply insert your information into the main prompt template.

Here is a main prompt template:

Act as a marketing strategist and create a pricing strategy for our [product] by utilizing the information below and considering the following aspects: 

Competitor Prices: [Competitor Prices]

Cost of the Product: [Cost of the Product]

Positioning or Customer Perception: [Positioning]

Market Demand: [Market Demand]

Based on the above analyses, craft a pricing strategy that aligns with our business objectives, enhances our competitive edge, and appeals to our target market. Strategy should include specific pricing tactics (e.g., penetration pricing, skimming, value-based pricing), anticipated market reactions, and any promotional recommendations to support the pricing strategy.

Here is a sample output:

Prompt Example

Prompt Output Example



The journey from the realization that pricing is at the base of business landscapes to understanding how pricing models need to be used and the realization that this is where the transformational role of AI, especially with tools like ChatGPT, offers a significant leap for strategy developments. The introduction of AI, which has real-time data analytics and the ability to acquire insight from consumers, opens up a new area of efficiency and accuracy for businesses in the pricing process. Thus, it provides an open door not only for improvement but also a new dimension to the decision-making process and an opportunity for a more dynamic and responsive approach to the pricing strategy. As we have discussed above, leveraging AI for pricing is not about adopting new technology—it is about embracing the future where pricing strategies are ever more informed, agile, and aligned with market demand and customer expectation.

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