💡 Unleash Creativity with AI: Revolutionize Content Idea Discovery!

AI-Driven Content Idea Discovery

Welcome Marketing Enthusiasts! 👋 

Good morning. In today's edition of our newsletter, we explore effective strategies for uncovering fresh ideas in the content creation process.

 Reading Time: Approximately 9 minutes


AI-Powered Idea Discovery

Welcome to 'AI-Driven Content Idea Discovery"—a fresh and exciting way to come up with content ideas. What this really means is using AI to make creating content easier and more fun. AI helps by finding cool, new ideas that really speak to your audience. It's like having a smart assistant who takes all the hard work out of thinking up what to write or talk about. In this section, we're going to look at how AI is changing the game in content creation, giving writers and marketers some really neat tools to grab their audience's attention and keep them interested. You will discover how to find ideas for your content and how to utilize AI while doing that.


ChatGPT Versions

ChatGPT has advanced through versions like 3.5 and 4.0, with 4.0 being the latest and most capable. This version, with a larger training dataset and improved architecture, offers enhanced understanding and response generation. ChatGPT 4.0 excels in contextual awareness and language processing, making it more effective in various uses. A key feature of 4.0 is 'Browse with Bing', allowing the AI to access the internet for current information, differentiating it from previous versions. So, using ChatGPT 4.0 is crucial to performing the steps below.


Step-by-Step Idea Discovery

1.Defining Niche

In the initial phase of idea discovery, it's crucial to establish a precise definition of our niche and what our business does. Achieving optimal results hinges on providing ChatGPT with a detailed description of our target audience. This clarity in audience definition ensures that the input we give to ChatGPT is aligned with our specific goals and objectives, leading to more tailored and effective outcomes.

You can use this template to make a sentence:

[product] brand is named [brand name], and it has a(n) [the social media channel] account that shows [type (for example cool lifestyles)] with [product(s)] to a [definition of your audience briefly] audience.

2. Researching Trends

In order to get the most out of considering the latest trends, it is crucial to go viral. We must conduct research to determine which studies are appropriate for our brand type. We can utilize AI to find those trends in our related content medium. So, you can see some of the prompts to find out the latest trends.


  1. “What are the latest [the social media channel][type (for example, visual)] content production trends that [product] brands are utilizing?”

  2. What are the popular [type of content, for example, image)] styles for [the social media channel]?

  3. What are the popular [type of content, for example, image)] styles for [the social media channel], especially for [product] brands?

  4. What are the top [count] [type (for example, image)] styles for Instagram and especially for sneaker brands?

After getting that information, we can write our answers for the latest prompt:

[the social media channel] Trends: [Trend Description]

Note: Take the output that always fits you.

3. Researching Keywords and Hashtags

Keywords and hashtags are vital tools on social media for enhancing discoverability and engagement. Keywords help in making content findable through relevant topics or themes, especially in search engines within platforms like YouTube or LinkedIn. Hashtags, on the other hand, categorize content, extend reach beyond immediate followers, and enable participation in trending topics and conversations. They are also useful for branding and specific marketing campaigns. Both are essential for effectively reaching and engaging with the target audience on social media platforms. So, in this step, we will discover keywords and hashtags related to our brands and our social media channel to get the most out of social media.


  1. Find me the [count (for example, 5)] most popular [the social media channel] updated hashtags that are related to [type(for example, cool and active) [product], but without brand names. Focus specifically on [product]

  2. Find me the [count for example, (5)] most popular [the social media channel] updated keywords—not hashtags—that are related to [segment, for example, premium)], [type(for example, cool and active)[product], but without brand names. Focus specifically on [product]


We use 'without brand names' because certain brands might be excessively popular in that category, and we want to exclude those keywords.


You do not have to select all of these keywords or hashtags that are more suitable for your marketing efforts, or you can regenerate by making the prompt more specific if it does not fit you.

4.Putting Them Together and Prompting to ChatGpt

Now that we assume you've completed the first three steps, it's time to refine the outputs and definitions and integrate them effectively. You can see the template for the paragraph below:

Create [count(3)] [the social media channel] content ideas and copy’s for the brand, utilizing the information below:

Niche Definition: [product] brand is named [brand name], and it has a(n) [the social media channel] account that shows [type (for example cool lifestyles)] with [product(s)] to a [definition of your audience briefly] audience.

[the social media channel] Trends: [Trend Description]

Keywords: [Keywords]

Hashtags: [Hashtags]

Use one hashtag per post.

Focus one keyword on post.

You can see the example below:


Result One

Result Two

Result Three

Extra Note:

If you prefer, you can include a 'Season' input for content specifically tailored to particular seasons, such as winter-themed, etc.

Other than that, you can also include tone and brand voice if you add copy to your posts.



In conclusion, the integration of artificial intelligence into the realm of marketing can lead to a remarkable increase in efficiency and productivity within these departments. This enhancement is contingent upon the effective use of AI technology. To fully leverage the capabilities of AI, it is imperative for users to furnish it with comprehensive and precise description prompts. These detailed prompts are essential as they guide the AI in understanding the exact requirements and nuances of the marketing tasks at hand. By doing so, AI can tailor its functions and outputs to meet the specific needs of the marketing strategy, thereby optimizing the overall workflow.

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