🚀 How to Use ChatGPT for Impactful Competitive Analysis

Unlocking Business Strategy with AI

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Good morning. In today's newsletter, we delve into 'How to Use ChatGPT for Impactful Competitive Analysis', unlocking the secrets to smarter business strategies.

 Reading Time: Approximately 11 minutes


Importance of Competitive Analyses

In the modern business environment, understanding your competition is not just an advantage—it's a necessity. Competitive analysis enables businesses to identify their rivals' strengths and weaknesses, anticipate market shifts, and refine strategies for sustained success. The landscape of competitive research is evolving rapidly with the advent of artificial intelligence (AI), particularly tools like ChatGPT. At its core, competitive analysis involves a thorough investigation into the data and strategies of your competitors, offering crucial insights into market trends, customer preferences, and potential areas of opportunity or threat. ChatGPT, an AI-driven language model, steps into this arena with the ability to sift through vast amounts of unstructured data, extracting useful information with remarkable efficiency and transforming how businesses approach competitive analysis. So, let's explore how AI, particularly ChatGPT, can revolutionize the efficiency and depth of competitor analysis.




For optimal results, it is advised to utilize ChatGPT 4.0, which includes web browsing capabilities and is equipped with the latest updates.

1.Identifying and List Competitors

As you can guess, we will start with who the competitors are in the industry. But we will do it with ChatGPT prompts. In this part, if your website doesn’t include enough information, you can use any competitor website to find another competitor website.

  • Find competitors of this website [your competitors website or your website].

  • “Who are the top competitors for [your company or your product] in the [industry] market?

You can refine your prompt to obtain more precise results about your market, as illustrated below.

  • Find competitors of this website [your competitors website or your website] in [country].

  • Find 5 competitors of this website [your competitors website or your website] in [country].

You can make a long detailed table or list with this prompt below.

  • "Find competitors of this website [your competitors website or your website]. Please provide a detailed analysis of the specified company. Include the following information: company name, location, company size (number of employees or revenue range), target audience demographics, a list of both direct and indirect competitors, and an estimate of the company's monthly expenditure on paid search advertising. Kindly organize the collected data into a structured table format for easy review and comparison."

So we identified and listed our competitor, and we can move on to the next step.

2.Defining the KPIs of the Market

In this section, we must identify the key metrics in this market, as understanding these is crucial for every competitor aiming for success.

  • What key performance indicators are critical to evaluating success in [the industry]?

  • What are the vital key performance indicators (KPIs) necessary for assessing success in the [specified industry]?

3.Analyzing Competitors

In this step, we have to analyze our competitor, but not generically. In order to get the best result, we have to ask specific questions to get useful insights. We can break down the topics to ask better questions. Here are the detailed prompts:

Competitors' Market Positioning and Strategy

  • “Who is [the competitor's name or website]'s primary target audience or customer base?”

  • “What are the key products or services that [the competitor's name or website] offers, and how do they differentiate themselves from competitors in this regard?”

  • [Product description] What are some differentiators of our product from our competitors [competitors list]?

Product Insight and Unique Selling Proposition

  • "Analyze and summarize the key features and advantages of [the competitor's name or website]'s product range, highlighting their unique selling points and consumer benefits."

  • “What are the key products or services that [the competitor's name or website] offers, and how do they differentiate themselves from competitors in this regard?

Customer Feedback or Sentiment

  • “Can you report the general customer sentiment toward [the competitor's website] based on online reviews and feedback?”

  • “Please identify prevalent customer feedback and common complaints related to [the competitor's product and name]."

Pricing Strategies

  • “How does [your company's website/product] pricing compare to [your competitor's product]?”

  • “What are the pricing strategies of [the competitor website] when pricing their products?”

  • [Product description] + How to position our product prices compared to our competitors: [Competitors]?

Marketing and Sales Strategies

  • "What specific marketing strategies is [Competitor’s Name or Website] implementing, as evidenced by their recent activities and campaigns on social media, their website's content and layout, and any ongoing digital marketing initiatives like email campaigns or influencer partnerships?"

  • "What are [the competitor's name or website]'s key marketing tactics as indicated by their digital footprint, including social media activity and website engagement?"

  • “What marketing channels is [the competitor's name or website] using most effectively?”

  • This is our description [product description], and our website is [website]. Generate a list of competitors' Google Ads headlines, Google Ads descriptions, Google Search Campaign Type(brand-generic or competitor), target keywords, country, and CTA.

  • “Explore [Competitor’s Name or Website]'s Social Media Audience Engagement: Identify Notable Strategies, Campaigns, and Tactics”

  • “[Product description], generate a list of target keywords with search volume, average cost per click, whether or not competitors target them, and estimated clicks for Google Search Ads.”

SWOT and PESTEL Analysis

  • “Browse this site, "[competitors website or similar company website]," and make a SWOT or PESTEL analysis about this brand.

  • “Could you highlight potential weaknesses or threats that [Competitor’s Name] might be encountering?"

  • “Could you highlight strengths or opportunities that [the competitor's name] might be encountering?"

Website’s SEO

  • "Analyze [the competitor's website's] SEO strategy by examining their content and backlink profile to uncover key insights."

4.Gathering Results and Creating a Strategy

After gathering information about competitors and the market, the strategy involves identifying gaps and underperforming areas in the market, leveraging your strengths against competitors' weaknesses, and developing unique selling points for differentiation. It's important to target new market segments overlooked by competitors, enhance products or services, and adapt marketing and pricing strategies to the competitive environment. Innovation, improved operational efficiency, and strategic partnerships are key to maintaining a competitive edge. Continuously monitor competitors and be ready to modify your strategy as needed.



In conclusion, ChatGPT offers a powerful tool for conducting impactful competitive analysis. By leveraging its conversational AI capabilities, users can extract valuable insights and gather comprehensive information about their competitors. The ability to ask specific questions and receive detailed responses allows for a deeper understanding of market trends, customer preferences, and potential strategies employed by competitors. Moreover, the interactive nature of ChatGPT enables users to refine their queries and explore different angles, ensuring a thorough analysis. With its potential to uncover hidden opportunities and inform strategic decision-making, ChatGPT proves to be an invaluable asset for businesses seeking to gain a competitive edge in their respective industries.

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